CA IPCC Exam: An Overview

CA IPCC Exam: An Overview


CA IPCC Exam: An Overview

Integrated Professional Competence Course (IPCC) is the second level of Chartered Accountancy (CA) degree. Just like CPT, the exam is conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). After clearing IPCC, an applicant becomes eligible for the final level in CA.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates must have cleared Chartered Accountancy Common Proficiency Test (CA CPT) before the IPCC examination
  • After completing IPCC, candidates need to clear the Integrated Professional Competence Examination (IPCE) for reaching the third level of CA degree

Exam Pattern

  • The IPCE curriculum is inclusive of theoretical and practical learning. The test consists of 7 papers which are divided into two groups– Group I and Group II. Group I includes 4 papers, whereas Group II comprises of 3 papers.

Group I

  1. Paper 1: Accounting
  2. Paper 2: Business Laws, Ethics and Communication
  3. Part I: Business Laws
  4. Part II: Ethics
  5. Part III: Communication
  6. Paper 3: Cost Accounting and Financial Management
  7. Part I: Cost Accounting
  8. Part II: Financial Management
  9. Paper 4: Taxation
  10. Part I: Income Tax
  11. Part II: Indirect Tax

Group II

  1. Paper 5: Advanced Accounting
  2. Paper 6: Auditing and Accounting
  3. Paper 7: Information Technology and Strategic Management
  4. Section A: Information Technology
  5. Section B: Strategic Management
  • Total Marks: 700, Each paper is of 100 marks
  • Time duration: 3 hours/180 minutes are provided for completing each paper.


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