CBSE Class X Revised Syllabus 2021–2022

CBSE Class X Revised Syllabus 2021–2022


CBSE Class X Revised Syllabus 2021–2022

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) announced the Special Scheme of Assessment for Board Examination of Class X and Class XII for the 2021–2022 Session. The revised assessment scheme can be attributed to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The surging intensity of this pandemic has coerced the government to draft a new syllabus and assessment scheme. The education board has rationalized the syllabus for this session and divided the board exam into 2 terms with around 50% syllabus in each term.

Details of Revised Syllabus

Revised curriculum of Class IX–X will include internal assessment that are conducted throughout the year, irrespective of Term I and Term II. The internal assessment will include 3 periodic tests, portfolio and practical work/speaking and listening activities/projects, and student enrichment projects. 

Class X Term I Examination:

  • At the end of term I, the board will conduct the Term I exam between November–December 2021, within a window period of 4–8 weeks for CBSE-affiliated schools across India and abroad.
  • Question Pattern:
  1.  Types of questions: Multiple choice questions (MCQs)
  2. The nature of MCQs will be of reasoning and assertion time
  3. Time duration: 90 minutes
  • Marks of the first term exam will be the overall score of students.

Class X Term II Examination:

  • Term II exam will be organized at the end of the second term during March–April 2022 in various schedules.
  • Time duration: 120 minutes/2 hours
  • Question Pattern:
  1. Questions will be of different format— situation-based, case-based, open ended-long answer/short answer type.
  2. In case COVID-19 situation worsens and does not allow normal descriptive examination, a 90 minute MCQ-based exam will be organized at the end of the second term.


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