Common Proficiency Test (CPT) Exam: An Overview

Common Proficiency Test (CPT) Exam: An Overview


Common Proficiency Test (CPT) Exam: An Overview

Common Proficiency Test (CPT) is an entry level exam for admission to the Chartered Accountancy Course. It is conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). The examination is conducted twice a year on a Sunday in the months of December and June each year. No pass certificate is awarded for clearing this exam. Whereas, a candidate scoring 70% and above marks is declared to have passed with Distinction. Students who secure a minimum of 60% marks within the top 10 rank are included in the Merit List and are awarded with Merit Certificates. 

Eligibility Criteria

  • A 10th pass student can register for CPT course 
  • A candidate must have passed 12th class or appeared in 12th class exam and waiting for the result before appearing for the exam.

Exam Pattern

  • The exam consists of 1 paper
  • The paper is divided into 2 Sessions
  1. Session I:
  2. Section A: Fundamentals of Accounting
  3. Section B: Mercantile Laws
  4. Session II:
  5. Section C: General Economics
  6. Section D: Quantitative Aptitude
  • Total marks: 200
  1. Session I: 100 marks
  2. Section A: 60 marks
  3. Section B: 40 marks
  4. Session II: 100 marks
  5. Section A: 50 marks
  6. Section B: 50 marks
  • Time duration: 4 hours; 2 hours for each session


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