CSEET: An Overview

CSEET: An Overview


CSEET: An Overview

Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET), conducted by the Council of the Institute of Company Secretaries, is compulsory for candidates to register for CS Executive Program. However, some of the categories are exempted from this compulsion. New registration to the Foundation Programme has ceased to exist with the introduction of the aforementioned test.

Eligibility Criteria

1)  Candidate must have passed the Senior Secondary i.e. 10+2 or any equivalent exam. Individuals appearing for 10+2 level exams are also eligible for CSEET.

2)  All Graduates and Post Graduates, who were hitherto qualified to be registered to CS Executive Programme, are also required to clear the test to become eligible for the aforementioned programme.


1)  Candidates who have cleared CS Foundation Programme are exempted from this test and are not required to pay any fee for registration to CS Executive Programme.

2)  Candidates who have cleared the Final Exam of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI) or the Indian Accountants of India (ICAI) are exempted from CSEET and are required to deposit INR 500 while registering to CS Executive Programme.

Exam Pattern

The exam is conducted in two phases: Written and Viva Voce


1)  It is a Computer Based Test (CBT).

2)  All the questions are in the form of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).

3)  Time duration: 2 hours/120 minutes

4)  The exam consists of 4 subjects

  1. Business Communication
  2. Legal Aptitude and logical Reasoning
  3. Economic and Business Environment
  4. Current Affairs

5)  Maximum marks: 170

6)  Marking scheme: 1 or 2 marks are allocated to each question. Corresponding marks will be awarded for eac correct answer

Viva Voce:

Viva Voce/Presentation and Communication Skills is conducted, through artificial intelligence (AI) or recorded videos at the designated Test center, with or after the Written Test.



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