CTET Syllabus: Paper I

CTET Syllabus: Paper I


CTET Syllabus: Paper I

Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) is organized by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) to provide eligibility certificates to candidates aspiring to gain employment as teachers in Central Government schools and schools under the administrative control of the governments of Union Territories, including Andaman & Nicobar, NCT of Delhi, Chandigarh, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, and Daman & Diu. The exam consists of 2 papers– Paper I, for candidates aspiring to teach a class I–V, and Paper-II, for candidates aspiring to become teachers of Class VI-VIII.

Paper I CTET Syllabus

  1. Child Development and Pedagogy 
  • Total number of questions: 30
  • Questions are from three topics:
  1. Child Development (15 questions)
  2.   Development concept and its relationship with learning
  3. Principles of child development
  4. Concepts of child-centered and progressive education
  5. Gender as a social construct, gender-bias, gender roles, and educational practice
  6. Socialization process: Social world and children 
  7. Influence of Environment and Heredity
  8. Critical perspective of the construct of Intelligence
  9. The distinction between Assessment of learning and Assessment for learning
  10. School-based assessment, continuous and comprehensive evaluation: practice and perspective
  11. Individual differences among learners, comprehending differences based on caste, language, religion, community, gender, etc.
  12. Preparing appropriate questions for evaluating readiness levels of learners; for assessing learner achievement and enhancing critical thinking and learning in the classroom
  13. Multi-dimensional intelligence
  14.  Language and thought  
  15. Learning and Pedagogy (5 questions)
  16. How children learn and think; why and how children ‘fail’ to attain success in school performance
  17. Basic processes of learning and teaching; learning the strategies of children, social context of learning, and learning as a social activity
  18. Alternative concepts of understanding the errors of children and learning in children as considerable steps 
  19. Concept of Inclusive education and Understanding children with special needs (5 questions)
  20. Addressing the requirements of children with impairment and learning difficulties
  21. Addressing the creative, specially abled, talented learners
  22. Addressing children from diverse backgrounds
  23. Language I 
  • Total number of questions: 30
  1. Language Comprehension (15 questions)
  • 2 unseen passages– 1 prose or drama and 1 poem. Questions on inference, verbal ability, and grammar
  1. Pedagogy of Language Development (15 questions) 
  2. Principles of language teaching
  3. Learning and acquisition
  4. Language skills
  5. Remedial teaching
  6. Role of speaking and listening; function of language and how learners use it as a tool
  7. Critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas in written and verbal form.
  8. Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom; language errors, disorders, and difficulties
  9.   Evaluating language proficiency and comprehension: listening, speaking, writing, and reading
  10. Teaching multiple learning materials: Textbook, multilingual resources, and multi-media materials
  11. Language II
  • Total number of questions: 30
  1. Comprehension (15 questions)
  • 2 unseen prose passages
  1. Pedagogy of Language Development (15 questions)
  • Same as Language I 
  1. Mathematics
  2. Content (15 questions)
  3. Numbers
  4. Multiplication 
  5. Division
  6. Addition and Subtraction
  7. Volume
  8. Weight
  9. Time
  10. Patterns
  11. Money
  12. Measurement
  13. Geometry
  14. Solids around us
  15. Shapes and Spatial understanding
  16. Data handling
  17. Pedagogical issues (15 questions)
  18. Environmental Studies
  • Total number of questions: 30
  1. Content (15 questions)
  2. Food
  3. Water
  4. Shelter
  5. Travel
  6. Things we make and do
  7. Family and Friends: Plants, animals, relationships, work and play
  8. Pedagogical Issues (15 questions)


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