ESE Or IES: An Overview

ESE Or IES: An Overview


ESE or IES: An Overview

Engineering Services Examination (ESE) or Indian Engineering Services (IES) is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to recruit engineers in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, and Electronics & Telecommunications domains for the techno managerial posts. Selected candidates are posted in different Ministries and Departments of the Government of India, such as Telecommunications, Railways, Border Roads, Ordinance Factories, Central Public Works Department (CPWD), Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC), Central Power Engineering Service (CPES), National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), Indian Defence Service of Engineers (IDSE), Military Engineer Services (MES), and others.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Nationality
  2. Citizen of India
  3. Subject of Bhutan or Nepal
  4. Tibetan refugee who came to India before 1st January, 1962, for settling in India permanently 
  5. Person of Indian Origin (PIO) who has migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Kenya, Ethiopia, Kenya, Zambia, Uganda, Malawi, Zaire, and the United Republic of Tanzania, for settling in India permanently   
  6. Age Limit: Minimum age: 21 years; Maximum age: 30 years; Relaxations are provided for SC/ST/OBC/PwDs/Ex-servicemen

Exam Pattern

The exam is conducted in three stages: Preliminary Examination, Main Examination, and Personality Test

  1. Preliminary Examination
  • This stage includes two papers– Paper I and Paper II
  • It contains multiple choice questions (MCQs)
  • Paper I: General studies and Engineering aptitude
  1. Total marks: 200
  2. Time duration: 120 minutes/2 hours
  • Paper II: Engineering discipline ( Civil Engineering (CE)/ Mechanical Engineering (ME)/Electrical Engineering (EE)/Electronics and Telecommunications (E&T)
  1. Total marks: 300
  2. Time duration: 180 minutes/3 hours
  • Minimum qualifying marks for each Paper is at the discretion of UPSC
  1. Main Examination
  • Candidates can appear for this exam after clearing Preliminary examination
  • This stage includes two papers– Paper I and Paper II
  • It contains subjective questions
  • Paper I: Engineering Discipline (CE/ME/EE/E&T)
  1. Total marks: 300
  2. Time duration: 180 minutes/3 hours
  • Paper II: Engineering Discipline (CE/ME/EE/E&T)
  1. Total marks: 300
  2. Time duration: 180 minutes/3 hours
  3. Personality Test
  • After qualifying the Preliminary and Main examination selected candidates need to appear for the Personality Test
  • Candidates are included in the final list of IES or ESE after clearing all the three stages of this examination. 


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