GATE Agriculture Engineering (AG) Syllabus

GATE Agriculture Engineering (AG) Syllabus


GATE Agriculture Engineering (AG) Syllabus

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), a Computer Based Test, is jointly conducted by the seven Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) at Kharagpur, Delhi, Bombay, Kanpur, Roorkee, Guwahati, and Madras and the Indian Institute Science (IISc), Bangalore. These academic institutes organize this exam on behalf of the National Coordination Board (NCB), Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India. This exam is conducted for 27 disciplines or subjects. 

GATE AG Syllabus

Section 1: Engineering Mathematics

  1. Linear Algebra
  2. Calculus
  3. Vector Calculus
  4. Differential Equations
  5. Numerical Methods
  6. Probability and Statistics

Section 2: Farm Machinery

  1. Farm Machinery
  2. Machine Design

Section 3: Farm Power

  1. Sources of Power
  2. Farm Power
  3. Tractors and Power tillers

Section 4: Soil and Water Conservation Engineering

  1. Fluid Mechanics
  2. Soil Mechanics
  3. Hydrology
  4. Surveying and Leveling
  5. Soil and Water Erosion
  6. Watershed Management

Section 5: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

  1. Soil-Water-Plant Relationship
  2. Irrigation Water Conveyance and Application Methods
  3. Agricultural Drainage
  4. Groundwater Hydrology
  5. Wells and Pumps

Section 6: Agricultural Process Engineering

  1. Engineering properties of agriculture produce
  2. Evaporation and Drying
  3. Size Reduction and Material Handling
  4. Processing of agriculture produce
  5. Storage Systems

Section 7: Dairy and Food Engineering

  1. Heat and Mass Transfer
  2. Preservation of Food


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