GATE Civil Engineering (CE) Syllabus

GATE Civil Engineering (CE) Syllabus


GATE Civil Engineering (CE) Syllabus

GATE CE Syllabus

Students appearing for the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) can pursue Masters of Technology (M.Tech), Ph.D, Master of Science (M.S), or Masters in Engineering (M.E) from National Institutes of Technology (NITs), Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs), and Indian Institute of Science (IISc.) Bangalore. Furthermore, GATE score also helps students in procuring admission in Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management (PGDPM), Post Graduate Diploma in Manufacturing Management (PGDMM), and Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Engineering (PGDIE) courses offered by the National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai.

Additionally, GATE score is also used to for gaining employment as Assistant Professor at NITs, IITs, and other reputed educational institutes. This score is also used by research organizations and Navratna and Maharatna Public Sector Units (PSUs) for recruiting engineers to various positions. Candidates can join BARC, DRDO, ISRO, IITs, CSIR, and other research institutes as Junior and Senior Research Fellow by using the score of this exam. 

Section 1: Engineering Mathematics:

  1. Linear Algebra
  2. Numerical Methods
  3. Calculus
  4. Probability and Statistics
  5. Partial Differential Equation (PDE)
  6. Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE)

Section 2: Structural engineering:

  1. Solid Mechanics
  2. Engineering Mechanics
  3. Concrete Structures
  4. Steel Structures
  5. Structural Analysis
  6. Construction Materials and Management

Section 3: Geotechnical Engineering

  1. Foundation Engineering
  2. Soil Mechanics

Section 4: Water Resources Engineering:

  1. Hydrology
  2. Hydraulics
  3. Irrigation
  4. Fluid Mechanics

Section 5: Environmental Engineering:

  1. Air pollution
  2. Water and Wastewater Quality and Treatment
  3. Municipal Solid Wastes

Section 6: Transportation Engineering

  1. Transportation Infrastructure
  2. Traffic Engineering
  3. Highway Pavements

Section 7: Geomatics Engineering

  1. Principles of surveying; Errors and their adjustment; Maps– coordinate system, scale; Horizontal and Vertical Curves; Total Station; Distance and Angle measurement– Levelling and Trigonometric Levelling; and Traversing and Triangulation Survey
  2. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Exam Pattern:

  • Total Marks: 100
  1. General Aptitude: 15 marks
  2. Subject: 85 marks
  • Time duration: 180 minutes/3 hours 


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