JEE Main Syllabus: B.Tech/B.E. (Paper I)

JEE Main Syllabus: B.Tech/B.E. (Paper I)


JEE Main Syllabus: B.Tech/B.E. (Paper I)

JEE Main is conducted after the Preliminary. The exam is organized to provide admission to B.E./B.Tech, B.Arch, and B.Planning courses of several Colleges/Universities which are recognized by the UGC.

B.E./B.Tech. Syllabus: Paper-I of the Main exam is conducted for students seeking admission to B.E./B.Tech. course.

1.  Mathematics :

  1. Sets, Relations, and Functions
  2. Complex numbers and Quadratic equations
  3. Matrices and Determinants
  4. Permutations and Combinations
  5. Mathematical inductions
  6. Binomial theorem and its applications
  7. Sequence and Series
  8. Limit, Continuity, and Differentiability
  9. Integral calculus
  10. Differential equations 
  11. Co-ordinate geometry
  12. Three dimensional geometry
  13. Vector algebra
  14. Statistics and Probability
  15. Trigonometry 
  16. Mathematical reasoning

2.  Physics : It consists of 2 sections– Section A and B. Section A contains questions regarding theory and has 80% weightage. Whereas Section B pertains to practical and has 20% weightage.

  1. Section A
  2. Physics and Measurement
  3. Kinematics
  4. Laws of motion
  5. Work, Energy, and Power
  6. Rotational motion
  7. Gravitation
  8. Properties of solids and liquids
  9. Thermodynamics
  10. Kinetic theory of gases
  11. Oscillations and Waves 
  12. Electrostatics
  13. Current electricity
  14. Magnetic effects of Current and Magnetism 
  15. Electromagnetic induction and Alternating currents
  16. Electromagnetic waves
  17. Optics 
  18. Dual nature of Matter and Radiation
  19. Atoms and Nuclei
  20. Electronic devices
  21. Communication systems
  22. Section B
  23. Experimental skills

3.  Chemistry : It consists of 3 sections– Section A,B, and C. Section A pertains to Physical Chemistry and has nearly 35.6% weightage. Section B includes questions regarding Inorganic Chemistry and accounts for over 29.7% weightage. Section C has questions regarding Organic Chemistry and holds approximately 34.7% weightage.

  1. Section A: Physical Chemistry 
  2. Basic concepts in Chemistry
  3. States of matter
  4. Atomic structure
  5. Chemical bonding and Molecular structure 
  6. Chemical thermodynamics
  7. Solutions
  8. Equilibrium
  9. Redox reactions and Electrochemistry
  10. Chemical Kinetics
  11. Surface chemistry
  12. Section B: Inorganic Chemistry 
  13. Classification of elements and Periodicity in properties
  14. General principles and Processes of isolation metals
  15. Hydrogen
  16. S-block elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)
  17. P-block elements
  18. D- and F-block elements
  19. Co-ordination compounds
  20. Environmental chemistry
  21. Section C: Organic Chemistry
  22. Purification and Characterization of organic compounds
  23. Basic principles of organic chemistry
  24. Hydrocarbons
  25. Organic compounds containing halogens
  26. Organic compounds containing oxygen
  27. Organic compounds containing nitrogen
  28. Polymers
  29. Biomolecules
  30. Chemistry in everyday life
  31. Principles related to practical chemistry


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