New Exam Pattern And Assessment Scheme For CBSE Class X And XII Board Exam

New Exam Pattern And Assessment Scheme For CBSE Class X And XII Board Exam


New Exam Pattern and Assessment Scheme for CBSE Class X and XII Board Exam

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) introduced a new assessment and examination pattern for Class X and Class XII the academic year 2021–2022, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the life-threatening effects of coronavirus and rapid spread of this novel virus, the education board drafted a ‘Special Scheme of Assessment for Board Examination’ of Classes X and XII for the upcoming academic session. The inputs for this new scheme were taken from the Government as well as private independent schools affiliated to CBSE. 

In the backdrop of the pandemic, the education board has rationalized the syllabus and altered the exam pattern by dividing the syllabus in two terms– Term I and Term II. CBSE has, therefore, introduced advanced provisions for different scenarios. Even though certain alternatives laid down by the board allow for physical exam in schools and other examination centers, schools will continue teaching in distance mode until further notice by the Government of India.

Special Scheme for Classes X and XII for 2021–2022

  1. This academic session will be divided into Term I and Term II by following a systematic approach and dividing equal syllabus in each term. At the end of each term, CBSE plans to conduct a physical exam, if the circumstances permit. Term I will be conducted around November 2021– December 2021, whereas Term II will be held around March 2022–April 2022. 
  2. The syllabus for the Classes X and XII board examinations will be rationalized for the academic session under consideration. 
  3. The new assessment guidelines focus on enhancing the credibility and validity of Internal Assessment. The internal assessment will be based on the Moderation Policy, which will focus on ensuring fair distribution of marks.

Board Examination/Assessment as per different situations

Case 1: COVID-19 Pandemic is under control and students are able to assemble in schools or examination centers for taking board exams.

  • Term I and Term II exam would be conducted at schools and centers.
  • Theory marks of both the terms would be equally distributed between the two exams.

Case 2: Pandemic worsens and coerces the complete closure of schools during November–December 2021, but examination for Term II is held at schools or centers.

  • Students of Classes X and XII would appear for Term I MCQ-based exam from their homes through online or offline methods. Weightage of this examination would be reduced while calculating the final score.
  • Term II score would be given more weightage in calculating the final score.

Case 3: Pandemic worsens during March–April 2022, forcing the schools to shut down during this period, but Term I exam is conducted in schools and exam centers

  • Final results would be based on the performance of students in internal assessments and MCQ examination of Term I. These exams will be given weightage in the session 2021–2022.

Case 4: Complete closure of schools and centers during November–December 2021 and March–April 2022 and students are required to take Term I and Term II exams from their homes. 

  • Results would be calculated on the basis of Project Work/Internal Assessment/ Practical and Theory marks of both the terms. 
  • Final marks for Classes X and XII would be subjected to moderation policy or other measures to ensure reliability and validity of the assessment. 


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