PG CLAT Exam: An Overview

PG CLAT Exam: An Overview


PG CLAT Exam: An Overview

Post Graduate Common Law Admission Test (PG-CLAT) is conducted by the Consortium of National Law Universities (NLUs) for providing admissions to students in PG law programmees offered by 22 NLUs across the country. 

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Candidates must possess an L.L.B. degree or must have cleared an equivalent examination with minimum 50% marks for General/PwD/OBC/OCI/NRI/PIO categories and 45% for SC/ST categories in respective exam.
  2. No upper age limit
  3. In case two candidates obtain equal marks, then the selection is based on:
  4. Age
  5. Computerised draw of lots

Exam Pattern

  1. PG-CLAT exam is conducted offline
  2. Time duration: 120 minutes/2 hours
  3. Total marks: 120 marks
  4. Marking scheme: 1 marks is awarded for every correct answer and 0.25 marks are deducted for every wrong answer.
  5. Question type: Multiple choice questions (MCQs)
  6.  Question paper is divided into two sections:
  7. Constitutional law
  8. Jurisprudence, Labor and Industrial Law, Administrative Law, Company Law, Family Law, Law of Contract, Property Law, Criminal Law, Tax Law, Public International Law, and Environmental Law

Nature of Questions

  • PG-CLAT question paper contains passages from primary legal materials such as important court decisions in the domains of regulations, statutes, and law. Each extract is followed by a sequence of questions that test the:
  1. Ability of candidate to read and comprehend the issues, arguments, and viewpoints discussed in the passage;
  2. Applicant’s ability to apply their knowledge of the legal domains discussed in the extract
  3. Ability of the aspirant to summarise the passage
  4. Awareness level of candidates regarding the issues discussed in the passage and legal facts and issues arising out of the legal extract and the statute or judgment from which it is extracted.


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