SSC CPO Exam Details

SSC CPO Exam Details


SSC CPO Exam Details

Staff Selection Commission Central Police Organization (SSC CPO) exam aims to recruit candidates for the Group B and Group C posts under the CPO. 

SSC CPO Posts:

  1. Sub Inspector (Exe.) in Delhi Police 
  2. Sub Inspector (GD) in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs)

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Nationality: Must be a Citizen of India or a Subject of Nepal or Bhutan
  2. Age limit: 20–25 years
  3. Educational Qualification: Candidate must hold a Bachelor’s degree or must have cleared an equivalent exam from a recognized University or Institute.

Exam Pattern:

  • SSC CPO Exam is organized in 4 stages:
  1. Paper I
  2. Physical Test
  3. Paper II
  4. Medical Examination 
  • All the stages are mandatory for getting the job.

SSC CPO Syllabus:

Paper I

  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2. General Knowledge and Awareness
  3. Quantitative Aptitude
  4. English Comprehension

Paper II

  1. English Language and Comprehension


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