SSC CPO Syllabus

SSC CPO Syllabus


SSC CPO Syllabus

Staff Selection Commission Central Police Organization (SSC CPO) exam is organized in 4 stages:

  1. Paper I
  2. Physical Test
  3. Paper II
  4. Medical Examination

SSC CPO Paper I Syllabus

  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2. Analogy
  3. Symbolic & Numbers and Semantic & Figural Classifications
  4. Number, Semantic, Figural, and Mixed Series
  5. Coding and Decoding
  6. Order Ranking
  7. Direction and Distances
  8. Missing numbers in Diagrams and Matrix
  9. Alphabet or Word Sequence, Jumbled Words, Matrix of Words, Word formation, Suffix and Prefix.
  10. Venn Diagram
  11. Syllogisms
  12. Puzzles
  13. Data Sufficiency
  14. Non-verbal reasoning
  15. General Knowledge and Awareness
  16. History: Ancient history, Medieval history, and Freedom Struggle of India.
  17. Polity: Government Schemes and Policies, Constitution of India, and Judiciary.
  18. Geography: World and India Geography
  19. National and International Affairs: Government’s International Policies and National & International events, days, and current affairs.
  20. International Organizations: Headquarter and their year of establishment
  21. Current Events: Latest Winners, Sports Events, and Venues
  22. Books and Authors
  23. Economy: International and Indian economic organization
  24.  Science and Technology: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Nutrition, Diseases, Environment.
  25. Quantitative Aptitude
  26. Number Systems
  27. Average
  28. Percentage
  29. Ratio and Proportions
  30. Simplification
  31. Mixture Problems
  32. Algebra
  33. Profit and Loss
  34. Speed, Time, and Distance
  35. Time and Work
  36. Simple Interest
  37. Geometry
  38. Mensuration
  39. Data Interpretation
  40. Trigonometry
  41. English Comprehension
  42. Vocabulary
  43. Reading Comprehension
  44. Idioms
  45. Error Detection
  46. Cloze Test
  47. Grammar Sections: Fill in the blanks, Spotting the error, and Phrase Replacements

SSC CPO Paper II Syllabus

English Language and Comprehension

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Spelling
  3. Grammar
  4. Sentence Structure
  5. Sentence Completion
  6. Idioms and Phrases
  7. Error Recognition  
  8. Reading Comprehension
  9. Fill in the blanks ( using articles, verbs, and preposition)

SSC CPO Physical Test

  • Qualifications for Male Candidates
  1. Long Jump: 3.65 meters in 5 chances
  2. High Jump: 1.2 meters in 3 chances
  3. 100 meter race: 16 seconds
  4. 1.6 meter race: 6.5 minutes
  5. Short put 16 pounds: 4.5 meters in 3 chances
  • Qualifications for Female Candidates
  1. Long Jump: 2.7 meters in 3 chances
  2. High Jump: 0.9 meters in 3 chances
  3. 100 meter race: 18 seconds
  4. 800 meter race: 4 minutes

SSC CPO Medical Test

  1. Candidates must not have a knock knee, flat foot, varicose vein, or squint in eyes
  2. Minimum Near Vision: better eye– N6 and worse eye–N9
  3. Minimum Distant Vision: better eye– 6/6 and worse eye– 6/9
  4. Eye standards should be without any kind or glasses or any visual correction.


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