SSC GD Exam Details

SSC GD Exam Details


SSC GD Exam Details

Staff Selection Commission General Duty (SSC GD) exam is conducted to recruit Constables (GD) in Border Security Force (BSF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), National Investigation Agency (NIA), Secretariat Security Force (SSF), Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), Indo Tibetan Border Police, and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), and Riflemen (GD) in Assam Rifles. The SSC developed the recruitment plan for GD Constables and Riflemen by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), under the Central Government.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Nationality: Must be an Indian citizen. Citizens migrated from other states must submit PRC or domicile against her/his state or Union Territory
  2. Age limit: 18–23 years. Age relaxations are applicable for reserved categories.
  3. Educational Qualification: Applicant must hold Matriculation certificate or must have cleared an equivalent exam from a recognized Board.

Exam Pattern:

SSC GD exam is classified into four stages:

  1. Computer-Based Examination (CBE)
  2. Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
  3. Physical Standard Test (PST)
  4. Detailed Medical Examination (DME)

Exam Syllabus

  1. Computer-Based Examination
  • Question type: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  • It has 4 sections:
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2. General Knowledge and General Awareness
  3. Elementary Mathematics
  4. English/Hindi
  5. Physical Efficiency Test
  • The test aims to assess the physical fitness by analyzing the height and she/he needs to undergo PET (race). The race is followed by a biometric or technology-based identification test.
  1. Physical Standard Test
  • It evaluates the physical standards of the candidates on the basis of weight, height, and chest.
  1. Detailed Medical Examination
  • Candidates who clear PET and PST are required to go through a medical examination, which is conducted by the Medical Boards constituted by the CAPFs.


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