About Product
Strictly according to the latest syllabus prescribed by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi and State Boards of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan & Navodaya, Kasturba, Kendriya Vidyalayas etc. following CBSE curriculum based on NCERT guidelines. The Book Covers in Detail :- Psychology-XIIth (In Hindi), 01. Differences and Evaluation in Psychological Merits : Intelligence Theories and Individual Differences, 02. Culture and Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Creativity and Aptitude, 03. Concept of Self and Personality, Culture & Self, Cognitive a nd Behavioural Aspects, 04. Main Approaches of Personality Study—Type, Trait, Five Factors Model, Psychodynamic, Behaviouralistic, Culturalistic, Humanistic Approaches, 05. Personality Assessment—Self-Report Measures, Projection Techniques & Behavioural Analysis, 06. Human Strengths and Meeting the Life Challenges—(I) Nature, Kind, Sources of Stress & Psychological Functions and Effect of Stress on Health, 07. Human Strength and Meeting the Life Challenges—(II) Life Style, Stress System Techniques and Life Skills, 08. Psychological Disorder—The Concept of Abnormal Psychology or Psychopathology, 09. Internal Factors of Abnormal Behaviour and Classification of Psychological Disorders, 10. Major Psychological Disorders—Causes, Symptoms & Treatment of Anxiety, Phobia, Obsessive Compulsive and Schizophrenia Disorder, 11. Various Approaches of Psychotherapy—Psychodyn.amic and Behaviour Therapy, 12. Biological and Alternative Therapy, 13. Social Cognition, Schemas and Stereotypes & Attitude, 14. Pro-social Behaviour, Prejudice and Discrimination, 15. Processes of Social Influence—Confirmity, Compliance and Obedience, 16. Co-operation and Competition, Group—Nature, Formation and Types, 17. Social Identity and Inter-group Conflict, 18. Human-Environment Relation & Environmental Effect on Human Behaviour, CH-19, 20, 21,.............. Practical Psychology
Class - 12;
Text Book;