Environmental Ecology, Bio-Diversity, Climate Change & Disaster Management

Environmental Ecology, Bio-Diversity, Climate Change & Disaster Management

₹ 370 ₹475
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  • ISBN: 9789390185337
  • Edition/Reprint: 2021
  • Author(s): Ravi P Agrahari
  • Product ID: 501750
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

For UPSC, IES, IFoS & All State Services Examination A stand-out from the competitive books about environmental ecology, bio-diversity, climate change, and disaster Management by well-known author Dr. Ravi br. Agrahari, who has taught, mentored, and inspired such well-known successful candidates in UPSC and State service examinations from last 19 years. Each br>Chapter offers a workable engineering solution to an existing environmental problem explaining basic to advanced level aspects of environment and disaster Management in a single book. A mix of both concepts and concrete suggestions for solutions to tackle with a vast and challenging syllabus to be covered in a short span of time; this book comes as a quick, relevant and easy route to achieving success in the examination. This is a refreshingly hopeful, proactive book that covers a known practitioner’s ground-breaking career. Salient features: covers latest syllabus and written according to the demand of UPSC examination basic to advanced level of approach is presented for easy learning one stop solution for other competitive exams such as Indian engineering Services (IES), Indian Forest Services (ifos) exam, All state PCs, all state forest service exams, CDS, NDA etc. Easy to find information through well-structured table of Contents additional list provided at the end of this book to understand various sites questions from previous years is listed at the end of each units includes question & Answers for UPSC Mains as well with expected questions.


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