

₹ 833 ₹995
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  • ISBN: 9781259097218
  • Edition/Reprint: 5th Edition
  • Author(s): W.PASSER
  • Product ID: 501809
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior imparts students with a scientific understanding of the field of psychology while showing them the impact on their day-to-day existence. A simple conceptual framework within the text emphasizes relations between biological, psychological and environmental levels of analysis and portrays the focus of modern psychology. Through a variety of features, the text challenges students to think critically about psychology as a science and its impact on their lives. To help students study more effectively and efficiently, a groundbreaking adaptive questioning diagnostic and personalized study plan help students know what they know while guiding them to master these concepts through engaging interactivities, exercises and readings. Now available with Connect Psychology, Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior follows the science behind psychology, leading students through the process of critical examination. Features: Levels of Analysis emphasizes how psychologists examine the interplay of biological, psychological and environmental factors in their quest to understand behavior. New in this edition are fuller descriptions of each perspective and a concluding Think About It question that prompts students to examine the information critically. Emphasis on critical thinking: Myth or Reality discussion and What Do You Think? activities in each chapter. Learner-centered Pedagogical System introduces chapter topics through learning goals, helps students confirm understanding of topics through end-of-section review and self-test sections and the end-of-chapter summary. Updated coverage throughout with heavier revisions in the areas of Language and Thinking (Chapter 9), including new coverage of thinking biases and bilingualism, Health (Chapter 14), with a new holistic focus, Psychological Disorders (Chapter 15), reorganized to present disorders in an organic manner and the Treatment of Psychological Disorders (Chapter 16), with new coverage of mindfulness, acceptance and commitment.

Tags: Psychology; Science;

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