151 Nibandh for IAS/ PCS & other Competitive Exams (Hindi Edition)

151 Nibandh for IAS/ PCS & other Competitive Exams (Hindi Edition)

₹ 189 ₹300
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  • ISBN: 9789389645293
  • Author(s): Disha Experts
  • Product ID: 503776
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

151 Nibandh for IAS/ PCS & Other Competitive Exams (Hindi Edition) by Disha Publication is a comprehensive collection of essays meant for the first Essay Paper of the UPSC Mains exam as well as State PCSs and other competitive exams.Salient Features of the Book:• The book has been based on two types of Essays – one Static & Current Affairs.• It covers topics on Polity, Governance, Economy, Environment, Social Justice, Social Development, Social Challenges, Culture, Education, Science & Technology, Philosophy and Many More.• The book begins with the guidelines on developing the Craft of Essay Writing which includes the Selection of Topic, Planning, Introduction of a Topic, Body of the Topic, Inter-linking of Important thoughts and Conclusion. • All Essay topics are relevant to the IAS/ PCS exams covering a complete theoretical guidance• Each topic provides a broad perspective on the Issues & Challenges regarding the current scenario in the country• The book offers detailed knowledge of the topic, ideas for contextual writing, rich vocabulary to express and analytical skills to draw a conclusion.

Tags: IAS; PCS; UPSC; Civil Services; Essay;

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