Advanced Inorganic Chemistry - Vol. 1

Advanced Inorganic Chemistry - Vol. 1

₹ 619 ₹825
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  • ISBN: 9788121902632
  • Edition/Reprint: 2016
  • Author(s): Prakash Satya & et Al
  • Product ID: 503812
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Only few left!
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Contents: contents: part 1: basic principles of chemistry 2. Quantum mechanical concepts of atomic structure: rutherford???S and bohr???S atomic models 3. Wave mechanica 4. Concept of atomic structure 5. Periodic table 6. Electronic configuration of elements 7.Atomic properties: period properties 8.Radioactivity 9. Isotopes, 10.Sotones, isobars and nuclear 11.Somers l nuclear chemistry: chemistry of the nucleus 12. Nuclear reactions 13. Different types of chemical bonds 14.Molecular orbital theory of simple diatomic molecules and 15. Valence-shell electron pair repulsion (vserp) theory: shape of molecules and ions lhybridisation and its different types lstructure and shape of molecules/ions containing only sigma bonds l structure and shape of molecules/ions containing sigma as well as pi bonds l structure of solids l redox reactions l electrode potentials and electrochemical series l concepts of acids and bases l general principles of extraction of metals and furnaces l nomenclature of inorganic compounds l part ii: chemistry of main group elements and their compounds (s- and p-block elements) l general characteristic of main group elements (s- and p- block elements) l group discussion of main group elements (s- and p- block elements ) l occurrence, extraction/ isolation, properties and uses of some main group elements lhydrides of main group elements lcarbides of main group elements lnitrides of main group elements loxides of main group elements l halides and oxyhalides of main group elements l oxy-acids of boron (boric acid) and their salts loxy-acids of nitrogen and their saltsloxy-acids of sulphur and their salts loxy-acids of halogens and their salts lfixation of nitrogen and fertilisers linorganic polymers l important compounds of main group elements l miscellaneous topics l subject index

Tags: B.Sc; UGC; Chemistry;

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