Chemistry Class 12 CBSE Board 13 Years Skill-wise & Chapter-wise Solved Papers (2008 - 20) 8th Edition

Chemistry Class 12 CBSE Board 13 Years Skill-wise & Chapter-wise Solved Papers (2008 - 20) 8th Edition

₹ 219 ₹330
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  • ISBN: 9789390152131
  • Author(s): Dr. O. P. Agarwal
  • Product ID: 503899
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Chemistry Class 12 CBSE Board 13 Years Skill-wise & Chapter-wise Solved Papers (2008 - 20) 8th Edition is altogether a new approach for Practicing, Revising and Mastering Chemistry for Class 12 CBSE Board exams.The book is written by India’s most popular author in Chemistry, Dr. O. P. Agarwal.The book covers solutions to the Chemistry questions that appeared in the 2008 - 2020 Question papers (46 in all) of CBSE Board Delhi/ All India/ Foreign papers. The book provides a unique and innovative chapterisation defined on the basis of Level of Difficulty - Concept/ Application/ Skill. Questions in each chapter are then divided among the various NCERT chapters. Some of the typical chapter names are: Define the following. Explain this phenomenon. What happens when? How will you complete the following? How will you carry out given conversions? How will you distinguish the following by chemical tests? What is the mechanism of the following reactions? Why do the following happen? etc.

Tags: Class - 12; Chemistry; CBSE; Question papers;

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