Pharmacology In Nutshell

Pharmacology In Nutshell

₹ 451 ₹495
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  • ISBN: 9788177395860
  • Edition/Reprint: 2020
  • Author(s): Rohan Srivastava , S.K. Srivastava
  • Publisher: APC BOOKS
  • Product ID: 505767
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

The book has following salient features: The book us user -friendly and inludes relevant text in short which is useful for examination purpose avoiding the extra details. The contents are well organized in 14 chapters. The basic concepts have been clarified in each chapter with generalizations for better understanding. The mechanism has been explained briefly in simple language. The emphasis is given on prototype and commonly used drugs with brief description in simple language relevant for examination purpose for MBBS students. The clinical uses of commonly used drugs and group of drugs have been mentioned with brief explnation/justification wherever applicable. The advice drug reactions specific to a drug or group of drugs have been mentioned as relevant. Important notes have been mentioned throughout the text to make certain generalizations and understand key points. The important facts and reasoning commonly asked in examination have been given throughtout the text. The common medical emergencies and clinically relevant drug interactions have been mentioned in chapter 14.

Tags: MBBS; Pharmacology; Pharmacology;



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