About Product
MTG's Revised edition of Objective NCERT at your Fingertips - Biology, is an unparalleled book to let you learn NCERT at your fingertips. This book is designed as per the fact that most of the questions asked in PMTs are from Biology NCERT books (11th and 12th). It gives chapter-wise, student-friendly synopses for quick-and-easy revision of important concepts, topic-wise MCQs aligned with NCERT content to check your progress, It possesses 100 MCQs chapter-wise on an average to guarantee the complete revision of NCERT Biology. This book also gives an advantage to gauze your progress with Preparation Meter. Special features & details:- . NCERT notes with additional, extra information relevant to previous year papers.. Theory is supplemented with HD pages for better understanding of concepts. Questions are strictly based on NCERT syllabus, figure & line diagrams. Chapter consists of section wise exercise- . MCQ Corner . Solved NCERT Exemplar MCQ's . Assertion and Reason questions . Thinking Corner : Updated HOTS section covering Numerical value based question. Exam Archive- Previous years PMT, JEE Main Questions covered. 6 Practice papers for self-assessment and Model Test Papers. Exclusive access to Fingertips++ Achievers Package (5 mock test papers and chapter wise Practice questions)TABLE OF CONTENT: Class XI Chapters: The Living WorldBiological ClassificationPlant KingdomAnimal KingdomMorphology of Flowering PlantsAnatomy of Flowering PlantsStructural Organisation in AnimalsCell: The Unit of LifeBiomoleculesCell Cycle and Cell DivisionTransport in PlantsMineral NutritionPhotosynthesis in Higher PlantsRespiration in PlantsPlant Growth and DevelopmentDigestion and AbsorptionBreathing and Exchange of GasesBody Fluids and CirculationExcretory Products and their EliminationLocomotion and MovementNeural Control and CoordinationChemical Coordination and Integration Practice papers: 1. Practice Paper 12. Practice Paper 23. Practice Paper 3Answer Key Class XII Chapters: Reproduction in OrganismsSexual Reproduction in Flowering PlantsHuman ReproductionReproductive HealthPrinciples of Inheritance and VariationMolecular Basis of InheritanceEvolutionHuman Health and DiseaseStrategies for Enhancement in Food ProductionMicrobes in Human WelfareBiotechnology : Principles and ProcessesBiotechnology and Its ApplicationsOrganisms and PopulationsEcosystemBiodiversity and ConservationEnvironmental Issues Practice papers: 1. Practice Paper 12. Practice Paper 23. Practice Paper 3Answer Key NEET Model Test Paper
Class - 11;
Class - 12;
Reference Book;
MTG NCERT Fingertips;