Modern Approach To Verbal Reasoning

Modern Approach To Verbal Reasoning

₹ 469 ₹475
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  • ISBN: 9788121905527
  • Edition/Reprint: 2018
  • Author(s): R S Agarwal
  • Publisher: S.CHAND & COMPANY (COMP.)
  • Product ID: 506320
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: In Stock!
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The book, 'A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning (FULLY SOLVED) is a very effective study material for students who are preparing for various competitive exams. 'Verbal Reasoning is an important aspect of all competitive exams and this book helps students in understanding and studying topics related to verbal reasoning. Written by R S Agarwal, this book is prepared according to the paper pattern and syllabus of exams like Hotel Management entrance tests, CAT, MBA entrance exams, Railway and BSRB Recruitment, IAS and IFS, GIC-AAO, LIC-AAO, Central Excise exams and MBBS. To ensure that students grasp all information easily, the content is written in simple and engaging style. The book is published by S Chand & Company. The focus of this book is to ensure that students have complete practice of 'Verbal Reasoning' and hence it includes all major topics of this subject. It has detailed explanation on topics like Series, Analogy, Classification and Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Puzzle Test, Sequential Output Tracing, Direction Sense Test, Logical Sense Test, Logical Venn Diagrams, Alphabet Test, Alpha Numeric Sequence Puzzle, Mathematical Operations, Logical Sequence of Words, Arithmetical Reasoning, Inserting The Missing Character, Data Sufficiency, Eligibility Test, Assertion and Reason, Situation Reaction Test, Verification of Truth of the Statement, Logic, Statement Arguments, Statement Assumptions, Statement Courses of Action, Statement Conclusions, Deriving Conclusion From Passages, Theme Detection and Cause and Effect Reasoning. There is in-depth discussion of all these chapters and the book also gives ample practice material. To help students in understanding the marking scheme and paper pattern, there are numerous examples given as well. Plus, extensive and structured solutions are provided for reference. The paper on Mental Ability, Reasoning and Logical deduction are vital components of various exams and hence extra attention is given to them. Moreover, there are practice questions given at the end to allow students to measure their performance standards. About the author R. S. Aggarwal has extensive experience as an engineer and also has profound knowledge of the finance sector. He previously held various portfolios at IDBI and is currently acting as the Director at Niryat-Sam Apparels. He completed his graduation from the highly reputed institute KMC [Kirori Mal College], which is located in New Delhi. He completed his post graduation in Mathematics in 1969. He also worked at M.M.H. College in Ghaziabad and N.A.S College in Meerut, as a reader and lecturer respectively. Some of his other books include quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examinations, Secondary School Mathematics For Class 10, A Modern Approach To Verbal And Non Verbal Reasoning and Mathematics for Class 7. The book, A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning (FULLY SOLVED) is easily available online for convenient shopping. You can bag this book from today by following a few easy steps.

Tags: CAT; MBA; Reasoning;

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