Laboratory Manual SCIENCE Class Xth

Laboratory Manual SCIENCE Class Xth

₹ 108 ₹165
Shipping: ₹ 75
  • ISBN: 9789312143636
  • Edition/Reprint: Second
  • Author(s): Arihant Experts
  • Product ID: 506828
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

1. CBSE Class 10 th Science Lab Manual provides the practical knowledge about the subject2. Activities given in the manual is simple and interactive3. Each practical is supported with relevant theory, procedure, observations and more4. This book gives complete understanding of concepts, terms and definitions for understanding5. Questions in Viva Voce make the concept more clearer6. Project listed in NCERT Lab Manual have been covered as per the syllabus7. Step – by – step guidance and Accurate Diagrams are given for every experiment to understand concepts.Experimentation is the most prominent method to prove a theory. CBSE conducts Practical Exams along with theoretical exam to test the scientific aptitude of students. It is because the conclusions that are observed and verified in real time are authentic and easy to retain.CBSE Class 10th, Science Lab Manual includes guidelines for Experiments, Activities and Projects in accordance with the curriculum. Each practical is supported with relevant theory, procedure,observations and calculation, error rectification results, precautions and viva voce in the format to be followed in the laboratory.The book serves as the step by step guide for conducting experiments explaining the relevance of each step The book covers all aspects of the experiment in such a way that students will not need to refer any other book for explanations of the concepts.Table of ContentsGeneral Introduction of Laboratory Work, Commonly Used Apparatus, How to Record Experiment?, Lab Instructions, Safety PrecautionsExperiments- To find the pH of the given samples by using pH paper/universal indicator, To study the properties of acids and bases, To perform & observe the action of water on quicklime & classify the reaction, To perform and observe the action of heat on ferrous sulphate crystals and classify the reaction, To perform and observe the action of ferrous sulphate crystals and classify the reaction, To perform and observe the reaction of iron nails kept in copper sulphate solution and classify the reaction,To perform and observe the reaction between sodium sulphate and barium chloride solutions and classify the reaction, To observe the action of Zn, Fe, Cu and Al metals on the given salt solutions, To arrange metals in the descending order of their reactivity based on the above results, to study the dependence of potential difference across a resistor on the current passing through it and determine its resistance, to determine the equivalent resistance of two resistors, when connected in series combination and in parallel combination, to prepare a temporary mount of leaf peel to show its stomata, to show that carbon dioxide is released during the respiration, to study the properties of acetic acid, to study the comparative cleansing capacity of a sample of a soap in soft and hard water, to determine the focal length of concave mirror and convex lens by obtaining the image of a distant object,to trace the path of the rays of light passing through a rectangular glass slab for different angles of incidence, to identify the different parts of an embryo of a dicot seed, etc.Log TableColoured Diagrams

Tags: Class - 10; CBSE; Lab Manual; Science;

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