NCERT Exemplar Problems-Solutions MATHEMATICS class 7th

NCERT Exemplar Problems-Solutions MATHEMATICS class 7th

₹ 213 ₹250
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  • ISBN: 9789352511532
  • Edition/Reprint: 2021
  • Author(s): Arihant Experts
  • Product ID: 506893
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

1. ‘NCERT Exemplar Problems-Solutions’ series are prepared for classes 6 th to 12 th2. This comprehensive guide deals with class 7 th Mathematics3. It is divided into 12 major chapters4. Provide detailed explanations for better understanding of objective and subjective problems5. It contains different types of questions of varying difficulty level6. Highly useful for school examinations and entrance examinations7. Problem provided help to build information recall, analytical thinking, problem-solving ability and more.Questions are the root cause of success. The more new authentic questions you will have, the more new authentic knowledge you will have. Considering this fact, the Department of Education in Science & Mathematics (DESM) with an aim to improve the quality of teaching/learning process in schools has made an attempt to develop resource books of Exemplar Problems in different subjects at secondary and higher-secondary stage. These specialized resource books named NCERT Exemplars are not meant to serve merely as question banks for examinations but are primarily meant to discourage rote learning.The first and the only books of its kind by Arihant Publications is an attempt at providing comprehensive guide to NCERT Exemplar Problems-Solutions for Class 6th to 12th. The present book for Class 7th Mathematics contains different types of questions of varying difficulty level. Also detailed explanation for comprehensive understanding has been given for all objective and subjective problems. The present book has been divided into 12 chapters namely Integers, Fractions & Decimals, Data Handling, Simple Equations, Lines & Angles, Triangles, Comparing Quantities, Rational Numbers, Perimeter & Area, Algebraic Expression, Exponents & Powers and Practical Geometry Symmetry & Visualizing Solid Shapes. The problems provided in the book will test comprehension, information recall, analytical thinking and problem-solving ability, creativity and speculative ability. The book will also be highly useful for school examinations and to build foundation for entrance examinations. As the book contains detailed and comprehensive solutions for NCERT Exemplar problems for Class 7th Mathematics, it for sure will act as a catalyst in helping discourage rote learning.

Tags: NCERT; Class - 7; Mathematics; Text Book;

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