Atomic Physics (Modern Physics)

Atomic Physics (Modern Physics)

₹ 552 ₹575
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The subject of Atomic Physics has grown tremendously in its scope during the last quarter of century. The present volume deals with the Atomic Physics part only. Atomic Physics comprises the extra-nuclear part of the atom. In Nuclear Physics portion, we will deal with the structure of the atomic nucleus. The undergraduate curriculum on Atomic Physics of the Indian Universities has expanded considerably in recent years. However, there is a dearth of books dealing with the subject, specially at the advanced undergraduate level. The present book was undertaken with a view to fill up this gap. Though chronological development of the subject has been followed, the traditional approach of discussing in detail some of the earlier work, both experimental and theoretical, has been avoided. Instead, the basic principles have been emphasized. The three main pillar on which the theoretical development of the subject rests, viz., Quantum Mechanics, Special Theory of Relatively and Statistical Mechanics have been treated in separate chapters.

Tags: B.Sc;; Physics; Physics;

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