Foundation Series: General Mental Ability Cengage

Foundation Series: General Mental Ability Cengage

₹ 298 ₹325
Shipping: Free
  • ISBN: 9789353501433
  • Edition/Reprint: 1st
  • Author(s): BASE
  • Product ID: 510674
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

For a student of Science and Mathematics, learning is associated primarily with acquiring knowledge. However, learning also has to result in enhancement of logical and analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities. The ability to analyze situations through different perspectives and solving problems through multiple methods is also critical.Working with numbers, alphabets and diagrams in order to recognize patterns and solve puzzles of various kinds help sharpen reader’s thinking. These exercises help develop and strengthen mental abilities and result in improved thinking, agility and enhanced capability to learn.This book is a compilation of mental-ability exercises that can help high school students acquire and enhance their thinking and problem-solving abilities. It integrates important techniques from Vedic mathematics and other speed mathematical techniques that can help enhance computational abilities.We hope that this book will be welcomed by students and teachers as a good resource.

Tags: CBSE; Engineering; Foundation course; Management;

Cengage Learning

Cengage Learning

Cengage Learning India develops and publishes reading materials that meet the evolving needs of educational professionals, students, and libraries. This publication offers e-textbooks through Coursemate, Coursemaster, and Course 360 courses. Cengage prints books by Lucent Books(R), Greenhaven Press(R),Wheeler Publishing(TM), KidHaven Press(TM),Macmillan Reference USA(TM), and Charles Scribner\'s & Sons(TM) for libraries and Taft Group(R) for non-profit organizations.
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