Gyan Ganga Igcse Class 10: Educational Book (Hindi)

Gyan Ganga Igcse Class 10: Educational Book (Hindi)

₹ 480 ₹710
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  • ISBN: 9789352725861
  • Edition/Reprint: 2021
  • Author(s): Harmeet Kaur
  • Product ID: 513663
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

This book book has been prepared for the students of Hindi and non-Hindi speaking areas to get knowledge of Hindi. Book booklet has been created keeping children's intellectual capacity and language level in mind. Our culture has been given a special place in books. Understanding the need for grammar, the content related to grammar has been given with each lesson. Also, an effort has been made to increase the child's ability to function. keepingˈkēpiNG Translations of keeping NounFrequency रखना keeping, deferment, reshuffle, abidance सुरक्षा security, safety, protection, conservation, keeping, rampart संरक्षण conservation, patronage, guardianship, care, maintenance, keeping सुरक्षित रखना keeping मालिकपन demesne, tenure, holding, keeping स्वामित्व holding, tenure, lordship, keeping, demesne अधिकार rights, right, the right, authority, possession, keeping संभालना handling, keeping, nursing विवाह marriage, wedding, wedlock, matrimony, splice, keeping हिफ़ाज़त defense, safety, defensive, keeping, maintenance, parry Adjective सुरक्षित secure, safe, keeping, unbroken रक्षा salvation, advocacy, apput, convoy, Defence, keeping देखरेख supervision, Direction, keeping, tending निगहबानी keeping Definitions of keep Noun 1 the action of owning, maintaining, or protecting something. the keeping of dogs Verb 1 have or retain possession of. my father would keep the best for himself 2 continue or cause to continue in a specified condition, position, course, etc.. she could have had some boyfriend she kept quiet about Synonyms: remaincontinue to bestaycarry on beingpersist in being 3 more definitions Examples of keeping the keeping of dogs 13 more examples Synonyms of keep Noun holdingguardianship Verb retainremainpersist indetaincomply withpreservestorebreedlook afterkeep secretpreventmaintainobservekeep openhold oncontinuerestrain 90 more synonyms See also keep

Tags: Class - 10; IGCSE; Education; Language;

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