Social Psychology

Social Psychology

₹ 642 ₹695
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  • ISBN: 9789389347258
  • Edition/Reprint: 2019
  • Author(s): Arun Kumar Singh
  • Publisher: PHI LEARNING
  • Product ID: 516024
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: In Stock!
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About Product

This comprehensive book is an earnest endeavour to acquaint the reader with a thorough understanding of all important basic concepts, methods and facts of social psychology. The exhaustive treatment of the topics, in a cogent manner, enables the students to grasp the subject in an easy-to-understand manner. logically organised into 17 chapters, the book commences with the introduction of social psychology, research methods, theoretical foundations, self and identity, social cognition, perception and attribution, Socialisation, social attitude and persuasion, and goes on to provide in-depth coverage of stereotyping, prejudices and discrimination, behaviours in groups, social norms and conformity behaviour, leadership and social power, interpersonal attraction and relationship, social influence, aggression, prosocial behaviour, language and Communication, along with applications of social psychology.
the Theme of the book incorporates latest concepts and researches, especially Indian researches and findings, thus making the book more understandable and applicable in Indian context. Every Chapter begins with learning objectives, followed by key terms and ends with summary and review questions.
The text emphasises clarity (avoids technical language) to enhance its effectiveness.
objective-type questions given at the end of the book test the students' Understanding of the concepts.
Glossary is provided at the end of the book to provide reference and at-a-glance understanding. new to the edition expands and clarifies a number of concepts in an easy-to-understand language.
Additional questions (objective-type) based on the demand of the students.
New and replacement figures for clear understanding of the concepts.

Tags: Psychology; Social;

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