Nootan ISC Accountacy-11

Nootan ISC Accountacy-11

₹ 537 ₹650
Shipping: ₹ 136
  • ISBN: 9789388931373
  • Edition/Reprint: 2021
  • Author(s): Rs Singal
  • Product ID: 517485
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi has revised the syllabus of the subject ‘Accounts’ for Class XI for the Examination, 2020 and onwards. This edition of the book has been revised and updated strictly according to the new syllabus and its scope. Some of the unique features of the book are : 1. The text is presented in the simplest language ‘‘meant to understand easily to the beginner’’. 2. A number of illustrations have been given in each chapter and these have been presented in such a simple way that students can easily understand them. 3. Long answer questions (Practical), short answer questions (practical and theoretical) and higher order thinking questions (Practical)have been given at the end of each chapter under the head ‘Self Assessment Questions’. We take this opportunity to thank all readers who spared their valuable time in making suggestions for improving the quality of the book. We firmly believe that the road to improvement is never ending. We shall look forward and gratefully acknowledge all suggestions received for further improvement of the book

Tags: Class - 11; ISC; Text Book; Accountancy; Introduction;

Nageen Prakashan

Nageen Prakashan

Nageen Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. (NPPL) is an eminent publisher of textbooks for CBSE, ICSE, ISC, UP, and Uttarakhand Boards and polytechnic and competitive examinations. The company publishes books for Commerce, Drawing and Painting, Humanities, and Science. ‘Nootan Physics XI Textbook by Kumar and Mittal’, ‘Krishi Bhautiki & Jalvau Vigyan by Kumar and Mittal’, ‘ISC Accountancy XII by R.S. Singal’, and ‘Nootan Jeev Vigyan by Dr. A.K. Sharma and Dr. Rajeshwari Sharma’ are the bestsellers of this firm.
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