Managerial Economics

Managerial Economics

₹ 420 ₹525
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  • ISBN: 9789388117081
  • Edition/Reprint: 2021
  • Author(s): Dr. V.c Sinha
  • Publisher: SBPD DEGREE
  • Product ID: 519467
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: In Stock!
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The Book is authored by proficient Teachers and Professors. The Text of the Book is simple and lucid. The contents of this book have been organised carefully and to the point. The Book Covers in Detail :- Managerial Economics Theory, Application and Cases (in English) for M.B.A., M.Com. and M.A. (Business Economics). Contents :- 01.Introduction to Economics, 02.Kinds of Economic Decisions or Basic Problem of an Economy, 03.Managerial Economics : Meaning, Scope and Importance, 04.Managerial Economics and Decision Making, 05.Role and Responsibilities of Managerial Economist, 06.Economic Principles Relevant to Managerial Decision-Making, 07.Theory of Business Firm, 08.Demand Theory and Analysis, 09.Elasticity of Demand and Its Role in Managerial Decision Making, 10.Demand Forecasting, 11.Consumers Equilibrium : Cardinal Utility Approach, 12.Indifference Curve Approach, 13.The Theory of Revealed Preferences, 14.Consumer’s Surplus, 15.Production Function : Laws of Variable Proportions, 16.Returns to Scale, 17.Isoquant and Isocost Curve and Optimum Combination of Inputs and Elasticity of Substitutions, 18.Theory of Cost, Cost Reduction and Cost Control, 19.Economies and Diseconomies of Scale, 20.Concept of Market Equilibrium and Market Structure, 21.Revenue Curves, 22.Price Determination Under Perfect Competition, 23.Equilibrium of Firm Under Competition, 24.Price Determination and Firms Equilibrium Under Monopolistic Competition, 25.Price Determination, Firms Equilibrium Under Monopoly, Discriminating Monopoly and Dumping, 26.Price Determination and Firms Equilibrium and Under Oligopoly, 27.Theory of Business Firm, 28.Theories of Factor Pricing : Rent, Wages and Interest, 29.Profit and Functions of Profit, 30.Investment Decisions (Capital Budgeting), 31.Profit Planning and Break Even Analysis, 32.National Income : Meaning, Definitions and Basic Concepts, 33.Methods of Measuring National Income and Problems of Calculating National Income in India, ........

Tags: MBA; Mcom; Economics; Text Book;

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