Verbal Ability & Comprehension for CAT, XAT & other MBA Entrance Exams 4th Edition

Verbal Ability & Comprehension for CAT, XAT & other MBA Entrance Exams 4th Edition

₹ 492 ₹790
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  • ISBN: 9789390486168
  • Author(s): Bharat Patodi, Aditya Choudhary
  • Product ID: 521969
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

The New Updated 4th Edition of Disha’s Verbal Ability & Comprehension for CAT, XAT & other MBA Entrance Exams is enriched with the addition of the past CAT questions in respective chapters. The papers covered are CAT 2009 to 2020, XAT & IIFT 2015-20. Further the 5 Mock tests are also revised as per the latest pattern. The book proves to be quite student-friendly as it starts from a basic level and moves to an expert level. • Structure of the book: The book has been divided into three parts - Verbal Ability, Verbal Reasoning & Reading Comprehension which have been divided into chapters. Each chapter consists of:1. Theory with Illustrations2. Foundation Level Exercise3. Standard Level Exercise 4. Expert Level Exercise5. Solutions to the 3 levels of exercises• The Verbal Ability section focuses on Basics of English Grammar, Vocabulary, Common errors.• The Verbal Reasoning section focuses on Parajumbles, Critical Reasoning, Fact/ Inference/ Judgement and Passage Completion (Logical conclusion of Paragraphs).• The Reading Comprehension section focuses on comprehension of passages of different genres based on the latest patterns. • The theory is followed by 3 levels of exercises – Foundation Level, Standard Level and Expert Level. The detailed solution to each and every question has been provided immediately at the end of the 3 exercises. • Foundation Level – Here the focus is to expose the students to solve problems based on the concepts they have learned in theory part. The student develops a good foundation and is ready for the Standard level.• Standard Level – The Standard level is a collection of excellent quality problems which will test a student on the application of the concepts learned in various reallife situations. The problems provide a good platform to develop a very good problem solving aptitude so as to take up the expert level confidently.• Expert Level – This is the toughest part of the book and involves the trickiest questions on the concepts involved. Here most of the problems will pose good challenge to the students.• The three sections contain past questions of various MBA entrance exams like CAT/ XAT/ IIFT.• At the end of the book 5 Mock Tests are provided based on the latest patterns. The solutions to the test are provided at the end of the tests.

Tags: CAT; MBA; Entrance examination;

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