New! Learning to Communicate Coursebook 8

New! Learning to Communicate Coursebook 8

₹ 383 ₹420
Shipping: Free
  • ISBN: 9780199490172
  • Edition/Reprint: 3rd
  • Author(s): S K Ram , Paul Gunashekar
  • Publisher: OXFORD UNI PRESS (SE)
  • Product ID: 522263
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

New! Learning to communicate for Class 8 is one of the most popular multi-skill courses in English in the country. Need-based and learner-centred, it develops essential communication skills and integrates the four language skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. The course components also include Oxford Areal- an app for students which contains animations, audios, videos, interactivities and slideshows. Special features include: fresh reading material and carefully graded content comprehensive grammar coverage for effective communication skill assessment plan to ensure that learning objectives are achieved revised project and life skills.

Tags: Class - 8; English; CBSE; Text Book; Learning English;

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