Olympiad Reasoning Workbook - Class 2

Olympiad Reasoning Workbook - Class 2

₹ 113 ₹150
Shipping: ₹ 75
  • ISBN: 9789390801268
  • Edition/Reprint: 2021-22
  • Author(s): Pallavi Aggarwal
  • Product ID: 523145
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Only few left!
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About Product

Our intelligence and ability to reason is what makes us human. Reasoning skills can be applied in almost every area of our lives. A gauge of one’s intellectual abilities, reasoning enables people to understand ideas and concepts better, and arrive at logical conclusions. Reasoning skills, therefore, have become a part of all sort of testing. Similar to other skills, reasoning can be improved and enhanced through practice and repetition. MTG has design this series of reasoning books to help students appearing for various Olympiads like Science Olympiad, Maths Olympiad, Cyber Olympiad, and other competitive exams. Salient feature of the books:1. Sensitive to grade level2. Lucid and easy to understand language3. Short and crisp explanation of concepts4. Solved Example to build strong foundation5. Exercises with ample of practice questions6. Detail solution to make students understand how to get the answer. Table of Content:Chapter 1: PatternsChapter 2: Measuring UnitsChapter 3: Geometrical ShapesChapter 4: Odd One OutChapter 5: AnalogyChapter 6: Ranking TestChapter 7: Grouping of Figures and Embedded FiguresChapter 8: Coding-Decoding

Tags: Class - 2; Olympiad workbook; Reasoning;

MTG Learning

MTG Learning

MTG Learning specializes in Olympiad, Medical Entrance, Engineering Entrance, Government Exams, and School books. ‘PMT Capsule-for Last Minute Revision’, ‘Rapid Chemistry-Crash Course for Peak Performance’, ‘AIIMS Explorer’, ‘Chapterwise Assertion & Reason for Competitive Exams’, and ‘MTG Chapterise Solutions JIMPER’ are the bestsellers of this company. It also publishes monthly magazines for Class X, Class XII, NEET, and JEE exams.
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