Agriculture Science

Agriculture Science

₹ 362 ₹475
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  • ISBN: 9789324197061
  • Edition/Reprint: 2021
  • Author(s): Pushpendra K. karhana
  • Product ID: 527899
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

1. Master Guide Agriculture Science deals with the Agricultural Entrance exams2. Covers various sections and makes a complete study package3. Book is divided into 8 Units and total of 22 Chapters4. Ample number of MCQs in each chapter,5. Latest question papers of various exams for practice6. Equally useful for UPSC, State PSCs, ARS, JRF, NET & BHU covers Agriculture Science subject.India, being an agrarian society, has always regarded agriculture as the back-bone of her economy. Timeand again, the agriculture sector has highlighted its importance by contribution towards the overallgrowth of the whole nation. Agricultural science is a broad multidisciplinary field of biology thatencompasses the parts of exact, natural, economic and social sciences that are used in the practice andunderstanding of agriculture. As the book name suggests “Master Guide Agriculture Science” covering various sections viz. Principle ofCrop Production, Gardening Science, Soil Science, Soil Fertility and Fertilizers, Agricultural Economics,Genetics of Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology and Entomology, etc. The study guide provides the completesyllabus into 8 Units in total that are further divided into 22 Chapters giving complete theory inChapterwise manner, sufficient number of MCQs has been incorporated in each chapter. Apart fromtheory stuff this book also concentrates on the practice part providing Latest question papers of variousexams. The book will be equally useful for UPSC, State PSCs, ARS, JRF, NET & BHU which covers thesubject of Agriculture Science. As the book contains ample number study as well as practice material, itfor sure will help the aspirants score high in the upcoming examinations.TABLE OF CONTENTUNIT– 1: agriculture Science, UINIT– 2: Gardening, UNIT– 3: Genetics and Plant Breeding, UNIT– 4: SoilScience and Fertility and Fertilizers, UNIT– 5: Plant Pathology and Entomology, UNIT– 6: AgricultureExtensions and Agricultural Economics, UNIT– 7: Agricultural Statistics, UNIT– 8: Animal Science andDairy Science, Glossary, Question Papers: FSO Food Safety Officer Exam 2019, AAO Assistant AgricultureOfficer Exam 2018, BHU MSc. Agriculture Entrance Exam 2017.

Tags: JRF; PCS; UPSC; Agriculture Engineering; Agriculture; Science;

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