Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering (Theory and Practice) - 28/Revised Edition

Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering (Theory and Practice) - 28/Revised Edition

₹ 711 ₹845
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  • ISBN: 9788174767707
  • Edition/Reprint: 2021
  • Author(s): B N Dutta
  • Publisher: CBS PUBLISHER & DIST
  • Product ID: 529496
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Content of the book:- 1. Procedure of estimating. 2. Method of building estimate. 3. Estimate of buildings. 4. Estimate of different types of roofs. 5. R.C.C work and structure. 6. Sanitary and Water Supply works. 7. Road estimating. 8. Culverts, bridges, Wells. 9. Irrigation works. 10. Types of estimate, sanction, project, etc. 11. Analysis of rates. 12. Estimating of qualities of materials and transport. 13. Specifications. 14. Rules and methods of Measurement of works. 15. Valuation. 16. Reports technical and design data. 17. Br.W. d accounts and procedure for works. 18. Planning of building and colony. 19. Village housing. 20. Schedule of rates metric and fbr. System.

Tags: Civil Engineering; Theories;

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