Krishi Bhugol (Agriculture Geography)

Krishi Bhugol (Agriculture Geography)

₹ 229 ₹250
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  • ISBN: 9788170335658
  • Edition/Reprint: 2018
  • Author(s): Mazid Hushain
  • Product ID: 529739
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Krishi Bhugol is a well written book that comprehensively covers the topic of agricultural geography. The topic of agricultural geography is part of the wider subject of human geography. It is that branch of economic geography which studies the territorial distribution of agriculture and the factors and laws related to that distribution. Territorial distribution of agriculture is distinguishable from that of industry by the special nature of the relationship between agricultural production and the natural environment. Territorial distribution of agriculture obeys the laws characteristic of the social and economic structure where it is practiced. Two types of social structures under which agriculture is practiced are the socialist structure and the capitalist structure. Krishi Bhugol is a book that investigates those parts of the surface of the Earth that are changed by humans through primary sector activities. It focuses on structures of agricultural landscapes, and asks for the processes that lead to these spatial patterns. Physical factors and agriculture, socioeconomic factors and agriculture, and agricultural statistics and sampling are some of the topics which are covered in great detail in the book. The book is written in simple language and is easy to understand. It is useful to those who wish to understand the various social and economic factors that determine the different styles of agriculture. The book is written in Hindi and is available in paperback. It was published by Rawat Publication in 2000.

Tags: Geography; Majid Husain; Agriculture;

Rawat Publication

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