Organisational Behaviour

Organisational Behaviour

₹ 300 ₹375
Shipping: ₹ 120
  • ISBN: 9789350246733
  • Edition/Reprint: 2022
  • Author(s): Dr. P. Subba Rao
  • Product ID: 530657
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Te book covers all significant and recent areas of Organisational Behaviour Distinctive Features of the Book: Learner-Friendly Approach Wide and Comprehensive coverage Integrated presentation of the text with boxes, figure, exhibits and tables Provides rich and international case studies Refreshing modes like points to be remembered, key words and questions Numerous examples Presents methods of Case Analysis, Cases and Management Games Customised and Lucid Language On-Line Student and teacher manuals About The Author: Dr. P. Subba Rao is currently Professor at S.K. Institute of Management, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur. Earlier he worked as Professor, Department of Business Management, University of Asmara, Eritrea, NE Africa, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning and P.G. Department of Commerce, Sir C.R.R. College (Affiliated to Andhra University). He taught M.Com., students during 1976 and 1985. And he has been teaching MBA, students since 1985. He has been guiding Ph. D., students and carrying-out research projects financed by the University Grants Commission. Prof. Subba Rao has over 60 research papers and 10 books to his credit. He has presented 21 papers in national and 3 papers in international seminars/conferences. Dr. Subba Rao has been organising Management Development Programmes and acting as consultant to the private sector industries. Prof. Rao visited France in 1992 to carry out a research project, USA in 1985 to participate and present a paper in an international conference and Eritrea, Africa to take up a teaching assignment. Table of Contents Introduction to Organisational behaviour

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