Public Finance 30/e

Public Finance 30/e

₹ 537 ₹575
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  • ISBN: 9789390080250
  • Edition/Reprint: 2021
  • Author(s): Hl Bhatia
  • Product ID: 531296
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: In Stock!
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About Product

Public Finance continues in its stride in presenting the latest information on Indian budget. Over two generations, it has virtually become an encyclopedia on all financial matters of the Government of India, serving as a textbook for students, teachers and the general public and a reference volume for researchers and others. It is equally useful for competitive examinations conducted by various professional and employment-providing bodies. It covers the UGC CBCS syllabus and the syllabi of many Indian universities for Honours, postgraduate and professional courses. The book follows a logical and systematic approach. Thus, it is divided into two parts. Part I provides an analytical and comprehensive discussion of both the basics and frontiers of the theory of public Finance. Part II covers the set-up, issues and working of Indian Fiscal field mounted upon the theoretical underpinnings and international practices and experience. The illustrations are drawn mainly from the Indian scene, with a cross - reference to international experience. The book uses all the modern-day tools of pedagogy like learning objectives, key terms, summary, review questions and exercises. 1. Theoretical advancements including latest discussions, debates, data and information. 2. The GOI budget for 2020-21. 3. State Government budgets for 2019-20. 4. Constitution and terms of reference of the fifteenth finance Commission and its interim report for 2020-21. 5. Detailed coverage of GST and its pervasive impact on the Indian economy including the federal financial system. Content economic activities and the State meaning and scope of public Finance principle of maximum advantage public Revenue—General considerations division of tax burden—i division of tax burden—ii incidence of taxes classification and choice of taxes effect of taxation public debt public expenditure—general considerations effects of public Expenditure public budget balanced budget and Fiscal Policy federal finance public undertakings Indian federal finance—i Indian federal finance—ii public debt in India government of India finances the Indian tax system Railway finances public sector undertakings in India state finances agricultural taxation in India local finance comments on recent central government budgets (2014-15 to 2018-19 appendices 561-577 select readings 579-586.

Tags: UGC; CBCS; Finance; GST;

Vikas Publishing House

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