Gray's Anatomy for students, 2nd South Asia Edition (Two Volume Set)

Gray's Anatomy for students, 2nd South Asia Edition (Two Volume Set)

₹ 2863 ₹3595
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  • ISBN: 9788131255742
  • Author(s): Veeramani
  • Publisher: ELSEVIER
  • Product ID: 545760
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Gray's Anatomy for Students is a clinically oriented, student-friendly textbook of human anatomy. It allows students to learn anatomy within the context of many different curricular designs, and within ever-increasing time constraints. The artwork in this textbook presents the reader with a visual image that brings the text to life and presents views that will assist in the understanding and comprehension of the anatomy. Each regional anatomy chapter consists of four consecutive sections: conceptual overview, regional anatomy, surface anatomy, and clinical cases. The Second South Asia Edition of this textbook has two volumes: Volume One—The Body, Upper Limb, Lower Limb, Abdomen, Pelvis and Perineum; and Volume Two—Thorax, Back, Head and Neck, and Neuroanatomy. New content has been added on the basis of updates in the Fourth International Edition, including the addition of a new chapter on neuroanatomy. The innovative features of the First South Asia Edition such as Set Inductions, Outlines, and Flowcharts have been improved. Students are encouraged to use online resources available on MedEnact. A unique feature of this edition is that each chapter contains line diagrams, abbreviated as LDs, along with questions and answers. These line diagrams are sketches which are easy to draw during an examination and can help students to acquire anatomical concepts and do well in assessment. The questions and answers facilitate learning. Competencies have been added in all the chapters since the curriculum is becoming competency based.

Tags: Anatomy; Basic Sciences; Medical;



Elsevier, established in 1880, is an Amsterdam based publishing house, which has published over 2,960 journals and 48,300 books. Some of the popular titles by this Dutch firm include ‘Advanced Therapeutics’, ‘Clinical and Interpersonal Skills’, ‘Advances in Agronomy’, ‘Advances in Applied Mechanics’, ‘Advances in Computers’, ‘Advances in Experimental Social Psychology’, ‘Advances in Genetics’, ‘Advances in Immunology’, ‘Advances in Parasitology’, ‘Advances in Pollution Research’, and ‘Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology’.
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