10 Years Solved Papers for ICSE Class 10 (2022 Exam) - Comprehensive Handbook of 17 Subjects - Yearwise Board Solutions

10 Years Solved Papers for ICSE Class 10 (2022 Exam) - Comprehensive Handbook of 17 Subjects - Yearwise Board Solutions

₹ 718 ₹899
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  • ISBN: 9789391184421
  • Edition/Reprint: 2021
  • Product ID: 552416
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Benefit from easy, quick, and concise revisions for your Class 10 ICSE Board Examinations (2022) with the help of our 10 Years Solved Papers guidebook. Our booklet consists of solved papers for total 17 subjects including Hindi, English I, English II, History & Civics(Paper I), Geography(Paper II), Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Application, Physical Education, Economics, Economic Applications, Commercial Studies, Commercial Applications, Home Science , and Environmental Science. Content is based on the latest syllabus prescribed by council of ICSE which will help you to succeed in the competitive 10th standard exams right from your home. How can you benefit from Gurukul ICSE 10 Years Solved Papers for 10th Class? Our handbook is a one-stop solution for 10th Grade ICSE examination. With all subjects in one book, including solved question papers from the last 10 years (2011-2020), our modern guide is the best book as it develops deep insight into the subject and students also get aquainted with the marks distribution and gain advance knowledge of the type and style of questions asked in boards. With study material for entire syllabus and previous papers of 17 subjects, our preparation manual also consists of numerous tips and tools to improve study techniques for any school test. Students can create vision boards to establish practice schedules, and maintain study logs to measure their progress. With the help of our foundation hand book, students can also identify basic patterns in question types and structures, allowing them to cultivate more efficient methods to answer. Our exemplar book also provides a comprehensive overview of important topics in each subject, making it easier for students to score higher marks in the exams. Why should you trust Gurukul Books? Gurukul Books is a unit of Oswal Publishers has been in operation since 1985. Over the past 30 years, our publication has developed reliable content that aids students and teachers in achieving excellence. We create reference material that is extensively researched, meticulously articulated, and comprehensively edited — catering to the various National and Regional Academic Boards in India.

Tags: Class - 10; ICSE; Text Book;

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