Modern Entomology

Modern Entomology

₹ 618 ₹698
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  • ISBN: 9789350518281
  • Edition/Reprint: 2022
  • Author(s): D B Tembhare
  • Product ID: 557385
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

The Second edition of MODERN ENTOMOLOGY consists of in all 48 chapters divided into the following five sections: Insect Structure and Function consists of 20 chapters on various aspects of Insect morphology and physiology; Classification of Insects consists of 11 chapters pertaining to modern scheme of insect classification, distribution, characters and classification of extinct and living insects of all orders; Economic Entomology consists of 9 chapters describing various pest control methods, classification, life cycle, nature of damage and control of large number of agricultural, veterinary, human and forest pests; Industrial Entomology consists of 3 chapters on the insect−borne small scale industries, sericulture, apiculture and lac culture and Recent Advances in Entomology consists of 5 chapters− Mantophasmatodea − a new insect order, Learning and behavior, immunity in insects, insect viruses and pest control and forensic entomology. The second edition enriches the text incorporated in the first edition of MODERN ENTOMOLOGY with the recently available information on origin and evolution of insects, control of feeding, cervix or neck, salivary glands, insect nutrition, Temperature and humidity receptors, molecular mechanism of chemoreception, mechanism of vitellogenesis, specialized reproductive mechanisms, development and metamorphosis, allomones, use of pheromones in pest control in India, forest insect pests, mulberry, tasar, muga and eri sericulture, apiary products and apitherapy, lac culture technology and some recent advances such as, recently discovered order Mantophasinatodea, neural basis of learning, bee language, color change mechanism and adaptive behavior, innate antibacterial and antiviral immune mechanisms, insect viruses and their use in pest control and forensic entomology. The second edition of MODERN ENTOMOLOGY covers over-all undergraduate and post-graduate entomology syllabi of the agricultural and non-agricultural universities in India and abroad. This is perhaps the first book instantly updated with recent advances in both, the basic and applied entomology at the full extent. Now, MODERN BIOLOGY is fully competent to cater to all the expectations of the teachers and students offering Entomology in Zoology, Agriculture, Veterinary, Medical, Forestry and other related disciplines. It is a good asset as a reference book for those who are interested in insect biology, taxonomy, pestology, molecular biology, neurobiology, endocrinology, immunology and virology too. Contents : SECTION − A : INSECT STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION 1. INTRODUCTION 2. THE INTEGUMENT 3. THE HEAD 4. THE MOUTHPARTS 5. THE THORAX 6. THE WINGS 7. THE ABDOMEN 8. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 9. THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 10. THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 11. THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM 12. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 13. THE VISUAL ORGANS 14. THE SENSE ORGANS 15. THE EFFECTOR ORGANS 16. THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM 17. DEVELOPMENT 18. THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM 19. THE ENDOCRINE FUNCTIONS 20. THE ECTOHORMONES SECTION − B : CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 21. CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 22. APTERYGOTE ORDERS 23. PALAEOPTERAN ORDERS 24. POLYNEOPTERAN ORDERS 25. ORDER ISOPTERA 26. PARANEOPTERAN ORDERS 27. OLIGONEOPTERAN ORDERS 28. ORDER LEPIDOPTERA 29. ORDER COLEOPTERA 30. ORDER DIPTERA 31. ORDER HYMENOPTERA SECTION − C : ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 32. ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 33. PRIMARY CONTROL MEASURES 34. CHEMICAL CONTROL 35. MODERN TRENDS IN PEST CONTROL 36. PESTS OF MAJOR CROPS 37. PESTS OF OTHER CROPS AND STORED-GRAINS 38. PESTS OF MEDICAL IMPORTANCE 39. THE VETERINARY PESTS 40. INDUSTRIAL ENTOMOLOGY SECTION − D : INDUSTRIAL ENTOMOLOGY 41. SERICULTURE 42. APICULTURE 43. LAC CULTURE SECTION − E : RECENT ADVANCES IN ENTOMOLOGY 44. MANTOPHASMATODEA : A NEW INSECT TAXON 45. LEARNING AND BEHAVIOUR 46. IMMUNITY IN INSECTS 47. INSECT VIRUSES AND PEST CONTROL 48. FORENSIC ENTOMOLOGY SELECTED READINGS SUBJECT INDEX

Tags: Zoology; Old Edition;

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