Agriculture Science a complete study package

Agriculture Science a complete study package

₹ 498 ₹595
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  • ISBN: 9789325792395
  • Edition/Reprint: 2021
  • Author(s): Pushpendra K. karhana
  • Product ID: 558752
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Only few left!
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About Product

1. Master Guide Agriculture Science deals with the Agricultural Entrance exams 2. Covers various sections and makes a complete study package 3. Book is divided into 8 Units and total of 22 Chapters 4. Ample number of MCQs in each chapter 5. Latest question papers of various exams for practice 6. Equally useful for UPSC, State PSCs, ARS, JRF, NET & BHU covers Agriculture Science subject. Agriculture, being the main contributor to the Indian Economy, it serves as a backbone to the country. Even today, the source of livelihood of more than 65% country’s population depends on it. With the increasing innovation in this sector, the opportunities are also increasing, attracting many students to opt for Agriculture Science as a full time career. Prepare yourself with the revised edition of “Master Guide Agriculture Science” that has been framed keeping in view the entrance exams conducted by the UPSC exams. Giving the complete coverage to the syllabus, this book is divided in 22 Chapters categorized under 8 Units. Theories given in every chapter helps students to know the concepts clearly. To mark your preparation on point, this guide provides Solved Papers of FSO, AAO and BHU M.Sc. for practice. The book will be equally useful for UPSC, State PSCs, ARS, JRF, NET & BHU which covers the subject of Agriculture Science. As the book contains ample number study as well as practice material, it for sure will help the aspirants score high in the upcoming examinations. TABLE OF CONTENT UNIT - 1: Agriculture Science, UNIT – 2: Gardening, UNIT – 3: Genetics and Plant Breeding, UNIT – 4: Soil Science and Fertility and Fertilizers, UNIT – 5: Plant and Pathology and Entomology, UNIT – 6: Agriculture Extension and Agriculture Economics, UNIT – 7: Agriculture Statistics, UNIT – 8: Animal Science and Dairy Science, Glossary, Question Papers: FSO, AAO, BHU M.Sc.

Tags: BHU; JRF; MCQ; NET; PCS; Agriculture Engineering; Agriculture; Science;

Arihant Publication

Arihant Publication

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