WORLD HISTORY: A Comprehensive Study of Modern World for Civil Services Examination | 2nd Edition

WORLD HISTORY: A Comprehensive Study of Modern World for Civil Services Examination | 2nd Edition

₹ 382 ₹495
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  • ISBN: 9789354600180
  • Edition/Reprint: 2nd edition
  • Author(s): Krishna Reddy
  • Product ID: 560316
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Only few left!
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About Product

McGraw-Hill presents the second edition of World History by Late Dr. K. Reddy, the bestselling author of Indian History and by Ajay Kumar C.M., a mentor to many students for the past fifteen years and a qualified IAS interview candidate in the years 2005 and 2007. The book provides a panoramic view on history of the world to the students appearing for UPSC Civil Services examination (Main) and other competitive examinations. It presents the events of world history in a chronological order. The book will aid in analysing the answers to the questions like ‘What happened’, ‘When did it happen’, ‘How did it happen’ and ‘What was the outcome’. Salient Features: 1. Contains comprehensive overview of world history in its modern context right up to the present 2. An in-depth analysis of major contours of the modern world like American, French and Russian Revolutions, the World Wars and the Cold War 3. Historical developments relevant to the international relations such as Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Decolonisation are discussed in detail 4. Contemporary global issues such as the contributions of the UN, relevance of NAM, unending conflict in the Middle East, crisis in EU and the challenges of Global Order are highlighted 5. Selected UPSC previous years questions included for self-evaluation 6. Lucid language and systematic presentation supported by images, maps, inboxes and so on makes this a self-contained and indispensable book

Tags: UPSC; History; Civil Services;

MC Grawhill

MC Grawhill

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