A Text Book of Botany

A Text Book of Botany

₹ 872 ₹925
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  • ISBN: 9789350781296
  • Edition/Reprint: 2021
  • Author(s): D K Jain, V Singh, P C Pande
  • Product ID: 562679
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Buy A Textbook of Botany UNIT-I: MICROBIOLOGY: 1. Diversity of Microbes : Introduction; 2. Viruses; Viroids and Prions 3. Bacteria : Structure and Reproduction; 4. Economic Importance of Bacteria; 5. Cyanobacteria; Actinomycetes; Mycoplasmas and Rickettsias 6. Distribution of Microorganisms in Nature; 7. Isolation and Cultivation of Microorganisms; 8. Infection and Immunity; 9. Applications of Microbiology; 10. Antibiotics; 11. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS); 12. Plant Diseases: Introduction; 13. Important Plant Diseases; 14. Plant Diseases: Control; UNIT-II: ALGAE: 1. Algae: General Characters; 2. Classification of Algae; 3. Cyanophyceae: General Characters and Classification; 4. Chroococcales: Gloeocapsa; Microcystis; 5. Nostocales: Oscillatoria; Spirulina; Nostoc; Scytonema; Gloeotrichia, Rivularia; 6. Chlorophyceae: General Characters and Classification; 7. Volvocales: Chlamydomonas; Volvox; 8. Chlorococcales: Chlorella, Hydrodictyon Scenedesmus; 9. Ulotrichales: Ulva; 10. Cladophorales: Cladophora; 11. Chaetophorales; Fritschiella, Coleochaete; 12. Oedogoniales: Oedogonium; 13. Conjugales: Zygnema; Cosmarium; 14. Siphonales: Codium; Vaucheria; 15. Charales: Chara; 16. Bacillariophyceae: General Characters and Classification; 17. Pennales: Navicula; 18. Phaeophyceae: General Characters and Classification; 19. Ectocarpales: Ectocarpus; 20. Fucales: Fucus; Sargassum; 21. Dictyotales: Dictyota; 22. Laminariales: Laminaria; 23. Rhodophyceae: General Characters and Classification; 24. Nemalionales : Batrachospermum; 25. Ceramiales : Polysiphonia; 26. Origin and Evolution of Sex in Algae; 27. Economic Importance of Algae; 28. Culturing of Algae; 29. Professor M O P lyengar.

Tags: Botany; Environment;

Rastogi Publications

Rastogi Publications

Rastogi Publications is an eminent publisher for University level books on Botany, Zoology, Biological Concepts, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Environmental Science, Agriculture and Related Areas, Physics Engineering, and Political Science. ‘Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Physics by S P Khare’, ‘Modern Text Book of Zoology: Invertebrates by R L Kotpal’, ‘A Textbook of Botany by Singh, Pande, and Jain’, ‘Parasitology by H S Srivastawa’, and ‘Bharat by V S Chauhan and Dr. Alka Gautam’ are some of the bestsellers by this publishing house.
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