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The present edition comprehensively explains satellite transmission of television signals, reception at cable stations, their processing and distribution to subscribers. While basic phenomena like RF wave generation and propagation, microwave techniques, modulation-detection, antennas, satellite operations and TV systems remain the same but signal transmission and reception in digital form instead of in analog needs different approach. For this, more chapters as listed below have been added in this edition.Video and audio signal encoding to convert them to binary data stream before transmission.Data Compression algorithms for conserving channel width which otherwise is quite large for digital transmission.Conditional Access (CAS) technique to encrypt video data stream to limit availability of pay channels only to those subscribers who make additional payment for accessing them.Overview of digital satellite transmission and reception.Direct-To-Home (DTH) television system.High Definition Television (HDTV).Home Entertainment Television Theatres for viewing movies at home on large screens.This revised edition will thus become an excellent text book for students pursuing courses in the area of entertainment electronics. The enhanced coverage will be equally useful to practicing engineers and technicians engaged in satellite television services.