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Gas Tables are essential tools for calculations in the subjects of Gas Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics. These gas tables have been presented for Isentropic flow, Isothermal flow with friction, heat transfer and shocks.Estimated values of power required for fans, blowers and compressors have been tabulated in a wide range. They are useful in the classroom, examinations as well as in laboratories.Salient Features:Multi-colour formatProperties of the atmosphere are givenTables for isothermal flow and oblique shocks are includedPressure drop in gas pipe lines is also tabulatedGives pumping power for fans, blowers and compressorsA new table on wind pressure forces has been addedThese gas tables can be used in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Gas EngineeringIf you want to buy this book online, kindly click on the following link:Amazon.in