Principles of Operations Research

Principles of Operations Research

₹ 229 ₹250
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This self contained text attempts to provide a broad foundation to the operations research's aspects for undergraduate and postgraduate students. It discusses, fairly extensively, the basics of operations research and treats systematically and comprehensively, the models such as, transportation, assignment, inventory, linear programming, dynamic programming, decision and game theory with queueing models.This book will provide better understanding of the subject to the students, since it provides exhaustive practical problems with solutions. Some special chapters, i.e. reliability, scheduling and sequencing, and replacement and maintenance will provide additional information to UG and PG students.In sixteen chapters of this book efforts have been made to include all important features of Operations Research. Authors hope that this book will meet all the requirements of B.Tech. and MBA students studying this subject.If you want to buy this book online, kindly click on the following

Tags: Analysis; Fiction;

New Age International

New Age International

New Age International Publishers, founded in 1966, is an eminent publisher of College and professional level textbooks for Science and Technology, Medical Sciences, and Commerce & Management. Bestsellers of this publication include Control Systems Engineering by I.J. Nagrath and M Gopal, Nutrition Science by B Srilakshmi, Generation Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy by C.L. Wadhwa, and Modern Project Management by R.C. Mishra and Tarun Soota.
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