Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C (A. P. Polytechnic)

Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C (A. P. Polytechnic)

₹ 247 ₹275
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This book is specially written for the first year students of Andhra Pradesh Polytechnic institutions. It is as per revised syllabus mentioned in ``Scheme of Instructions and Examination Curriculum 2009``, released by concerned authorities. However, at some places, sequences of the topics have been changed with the objective of explaining the topics in gradual manner and making the learning easy.Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C comprises of 3 parts. First part (CM-105, as mentioned in the syllabus) deals with the theory of Computer Fundamentals and C Programming Language. Second part (CM-107, as mentioned in the syllabus) deals with Computer Fundamentals and C Programming lab sessions. Third part (CM-110, as mentioned in the syllabus) deals with Information Technology lab sessions.First part (CM-105) of the book comprises of 18 chapters and contains in-depth contents on all the topics mentioned in the syllabus. No topic of the syllabus has been left unexplained. To make the learning easy, examples are liberally used throughout the book. In C language chapters, large numbers of programs for wide variety of problems are included to explain fine issues related to logic development and programming. All the programs of the book are working programs. They have been tried and tested in our lab. Students can directly enter them on their computer, compile and execute them to get the output.At the end of each chapter, a question bank, titled ``Exercises`` is there. Solving these questions correctly, on self-knowledge basis, will generate confidence and will ensure good marks in the examination.If you want to buy this book online, kindly click on the following

Tags: Polytechnic; Computer; Programing;

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New Age International

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