Organizational Excellence Through Total Quality Management - A Practical Approach

Organizational Excellence Through Total Quality Management - A Practical Approach

₹ 339 ₹350
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Quality is key to the competitive advantage in today's business environment. In this book, the term Quality has been interpreted in its broader sense of overall performance of an organization rather than quality of products and services. The value of this book is in the rich experience of the Author in the body of knowledge of quality management, both in the national and international context. He has presented the subject in the way that it can be easily used in the practical situations, which would convince the reader of its applicability in the real world. In addition to traditional theory of TQM, the book also covers the new concepts of quality management developed in the last decade, such as Six-Sigma, Lean Production, CRM, Balanced Score Card and Corporate Social Responsibility. The book provides practical guidance for preparing comprehensive quality improvement plan, which not only covers production of goods and services, but also other departments such as Design, Marketing, Material Management and HR, all of which play an important part in achieving organizational excellence. Implementation of TQM is always a major problem. The book includes an exhaustive self-checklist, which can be used as a barometer for effective implementation. In addition to being a practical guide for the industry managers, it can also be used as a textbook on quality management by Management and Engineering institutes.

Tags: Management; Practical;

New Age International

New Age International

New Age International Publishers, founded in 1966, is an eminent publisher of College and professional level textbooks for Science and Technology, Medical Sciences, and Commerce & Management. Bestsellers of this publication include Control Systems Engineering by I.J. Nagrath and M Gopal, Nutrition Science by B Srilakshmi, Generation Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy by C.L. Wadhwa, and Modern Project Management by R.C. Mishra and Tarun Soota.
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